Post-graduate dissertation

StudentHome InstituteSubjectTopicStatusGuide(s)Completion Year
Nairit PandayKalinga Institute of Industrial TechnologyBiotechnologyCharacterization and Risk Assessment of microplastics from sediment and water collected from Sagar Island, Indian SundarbansOngoingDr. Arunodaya Gautam, Dr. Sourav Paul

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Almas FatmaB.B. College, Asansol (Kazi Nazrul University)ZoologyAntibiotic Resistance Evolvabality of Environmental Isolates in Laboratory HabitatOngoingDr. Atrayee Dey, Dr. Anish Bhattacharya
Biswajoti MukherjeeB.B. College, Asansol (Kazi Nazrul University)ZoologyAntibiotic Resistance Evolvabality of Environmental Isolates in its Native HabitatOngoing Dr. Atrayee Dey, Dr. Anish Bhattacharya
Krittika ChatterjeeB.B. College, Asansol (Kazi Nazrul University)ZoologyEvolution of the Halophytic Organisms Isolated from the Indian Sundarban Estuary from the Perspective of Antibiotic ResistanceOngoingDr. Atrayee Dey, Dr. Anish Bhattacharya
Arnob PaulVeer Narmad South Gujarat UniversityAquatic biologyFood fish diversity of brackish waters of Indian SundarbansCompletedDr. Sourav Paul, Dr. Kapila Manoj
Pratyush Kumar JanaVeer Narmad South Gujarat UniversityAquatic biologyAn assessment of abiotic variability and heavy metal pollution of lower Ganges delta.CompletedDr. Sourav Paul, Dr. Kapila Manoj

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Debisha GhoshAdamas UniversityGeographySpatio-temporal Shoreline Change Assessment and Livelihood Vulnerability at the Dialuvating Island Ghoramara, Indian SundarbansCompletedDr. Kanailal Das, Dr. Anu Rai2023
Mohor SamadderAdamas UniversityGeographyThe Pursuit of Livelihoods of Climate Refugees and Social Vulnerability of Sagar Island, Indian SundarbansCompletedDr. Kanailal Das, Dr. Anu Rai2023

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