The ECSF and Berhampur University, Odisha had jointly organized international skill building workshop on coastal science. The workshop was held at the Department of Marine Sciences on 25-26 February 2024 and jointly convened by Dr. Tamoghna Acharyya and Dr. Sourav Paul. Dr. Danilo Calliari, Associate Professor of Ecology and Environment in the University of Republic, Uruguay, was the resource person along faculty members of the Department of Marine Sciences. Students, faculties of different colleges and departments took part in the workshop. Within the workshop there were hands-on training of ecosystem study conducted at the Haripur Creek followed by analysis in the laboratory and analysis of data. The workshop also included lecture on ‘A net autotrophic metabolic balance in Uruguayan marine coastal waters: background and recent results’ of Danilo Calliari. And a discussion on ‘how to write a scientific paper of coastal ecology’ by Dr. Sourav Paul. The event was covered by the local newspaper Dharitri.