Social Science
Foundation has taken up social research to probe into issues that affect coastal communities. The physical system is intertwined with an intricate social system as well. Often these two are inseparable. Thus the foundation also inquires into various aspects of social research affecting the coastal communities. The physical system affects the life and livelihood of communities, making the riparian communities all the more vulnerable. Also anthropogenic activities which define society at large affect the physical system too. The foundation has so far taken up the following issues
- Investigation of the physical fabric mostly geomorphological transformation of the coastal islands of Northern Bay of Bengal through geospatial techniques and ground truth verification
- Enquiry into impeding climate extremities specifically tropical cyclones
- Assessment of the causes and consequences of embankment breaching using both quantitative and qualitative methods and the plausible solution
- Assessment of the growing problem of environmental refugee by delving into both physical and social vulnerabilities.
- Assessment of rural and urban settlement patterns and expansion
- 6. Assessment of water quality alongwith measurement of environmental footprint of residents and river discontinuity (Case study of Adi Ganga)