
ECSF-DHWU jointly hosted international seminar on biological oceanography.

ECSF and Diamond Harbour Women’s University jointly hosted international seminar on biological oceanography. Dr. Danilo Calliari, Associate Professor of Ecology and Environment, University of the Republic, Uruguay presented his lecture on ‘Plankton diversity and current research in Uruguayan waters of the South West Atlantic’. His seminar engaged discussions on developing estuarine studies in the Ganges. Students and faculties of the Zoology, Botany and Geography departments took part in it. The occasion was graced by the Registrar Dr. S Rahaman, SERB JC Bose Fellow Dr. C Mondal, and many other distinguish academicians. The event was jointly convened by Dr. S Das of Zoology and Dr. S Paul of ECSF. Dr. Calliari was facilitated by DHWU for his scientific contributions.

ECSF-DHWU jointly hosted international seminar on biological oceanography. Read More »

ECSF-Purbasha joint international field workshop on 17-18 Feb, 2024 in Indian Sundarbans

ECSF and Purbasha jointly conducted UN Ocean Decade endorsed international field workshop on ‘Socio-ecological balance of World’s largest deltaic mangroves: Perspectives of ecosystems functions and vulnerabilities’ in Indian Sundarbans on 17th and 18th Feb, 2024. The said workshop had attracted participation from universities, government officials, EIA professionals, college students and faculty members of different institutions in India. The workshop had sessions of water quality, estuarine biology, mangroves and their importance, embankments and their vulnerabilities and science communication. The workshop was convened by Dr. Sourav Paul of ECSF and Mr. Umasankar Mondal (Mangrove Man) of Purbasha Eco Helpline Society. Dr. Danilo Calliari of the University of Republic, Uruguay and Prof. Malay Mukhopadhyay were engaged as the chief experts. The sessions were chaired by other experts such as Dr. Kanailal Das, Mr. Ashis Biswas, Mr. Praloy Halder and Ms. Debarati Sengupta.

ECSF-Purbasha joint international field workshop on 17-18 Feb, 2024 in Indian Sundarbans Read More »

Congratulations to Debarati Sengupta for defending YECS research.

Debarati Sengupta has successfully defended her research on ‘Revisiting the concept of zooplankton diversity assessment: perspectives from carracases’. Debarati has conducted this research in the estuaries of Indian Sundarbans under the joint supervision of Dr. Sourav (ECSF, India) and Dr. Danilo Calliari (UdelaR, Uruguay). Best of luck to her in her future career.

Congratulations to Debarati Sengupta for defending YECS research. Read More »

Dr. Sourav Paul met the High Commissioner of New Zealand in India and a representation of the University of Otago

The ECSF Director Dr. Sourav Paul met the honorable High Commissioner (David Pine) as a part of extending the bilateral ties of education between India and New Zealand. On the same occasion, he met the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Otago and discussed the possibility of MoU between the foundation and the University. The said occasion was staged at the New Zealand Embassy in New Delhi, India.

Dr. Sourav Paul met the High Commissioner of New Zealand in India and a representation of the University of Otago Read More »

Celebration of Darwin Day

Dr. Danilo Calliari a visiting scientist to the ECSF, has delivered a lecture on ‘Environmental overview of the South West Atlantic and Coastal Ecosystem Processes’ on the occasion of Darwin Day (12 February 2024) at the Department of Environmental Science, University of Calcutta. The lecture was attended by postgraduate students, faculties, and scientists of different colleges and universities.

Celebration of Darwin Day Read More »

International workshop on estuaries

An international workshop on ‘Ecosystem Dynamics of estuaries’ was conducted on Ganges estuary on 10-11 February 2024. Participants included students, researchers and professionals of various colleges of University of Calcutta, CUSAT and KUFOS Kerala, College of Fisheries (OUAT) Odisha, Linkon University of Malaysia and so. Dr. Danilo Calliari (UdelaR, Uruguay), Dr. Mahammed Moniruzzaman (KNU, India), Mr Samya Karan (ECSF) imparted the training of ecological physiology work on phytoplankton, microzooplankton, mesozooplankton and fishes on hourly basis. Demonstration team also included Jhinook Mitra, Puja Misha, Sayani Dhara who showed how to keep going for tidal and hourly basis for 24 hours studies. Participants also learned measured pulse of Ganges for every minute for 24 hours! Thanks to the sponsors who helped in kind.

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Congratulations to Dr. Sourav Paul for convening a special session in ECSA60, Hangzhou, China

Congratulations to ECSF Director Dr. Sourav Paul for his proposal for a special session being selected in prestigious ECSA60 conference which would be held at Hangzhou, China between 2 and 5 September 2024. He is all set to convene special session on ‘Response and resilience against natural hazards: science, policy and community engagement’. If you want to participate register at

Congratulations to Dr. Sourav Paul for convening a special session in ECSA60, Hangzhou, China Read More »

ECSF and WBSU one day international lecture cum hands-on training of plankton ecology

The ECSF and WBSU have successfully organised a one day international lecture on “Environmental overview and current research on coastal oceanography in Uruguay” Delivered by Dr. Danilo Calliari ( Associate professor, Ecology and environment, University of the Republic, Uruguay) 12 PM onwards of 6th February 2024 at the department of zoology, West Bengal state university, India. The said programme also imparted a hands-on training of water quality and plankton biology. The event was attended by the postgraduate, PHD students of WBSU, ECSF and faculties of different colleges and universities of West Bengal, India. The honorable vice chancellor of the university has graced the occasion

ECSF and WBSU one day international lecture cum hands-on training of plankton ecology Read More »

Debarati Sengupta represented ECSF & ECOP programme’s Ocean Literacy(OL) programmes in the Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference (IO-Con ’24), INCOIS, Hyderabad.

Our Ocean Literacy and Outreach Coordinator Ms. Debarati Sengupta represented ECSF & ECOP programme’s Ocean Literacy(OL) programmes in the Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference (IO-Con ’24) at Hyderabad, India.The Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) Network Programme in collaboration with the Early Career Scientist Network (ECSN) of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) successfully delivered a side event on ‘The Importance of Science Communication within the Science Policy Interface: Perspectives Of ECOPs’, on the second day of Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference. Our Ocean Literacy Coordinator, Ms. Debarati Sengupta, was the session coordinator of the side event and led the event with great enthusiasm. Debarati also promoted the importance of youth advocacy and gender equality through her engaging talks in different sessions. She was one of the panellists of ‘Ocean Decade Challenge no. 9: Skills, Knowledge and Technology for All’.

Debarati Sengupta represented ECSF & ECOP programme’s Ocean Literacy(OL) programmes in the Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference (IO-Con ’24), INCOIS, Hyderabad. Read More »

Dr. Sourav Paul delivered an invited lecture at IO-CON ‘24 at INCOIS, Hyderabad.

ECSF Director Dr. Sourav Paul delivered an invited lecture at Indian Ocean Regional Decade Conference (IO-CON), 2024 at INCOIS, Hyderabad. He emphasized the need of building a cyclone program for Indian estuaries in the UN Ocean Decade. He also demonstrated capacity development initiatives taken from the ECSF in the last two years that touched many stakeholders of the UN Ocean Decade. His lecture slotted in ‘Challenge 10 on Change Humanity’s Relationship with the Ocean’ had engaged fruitful discussions among academicians, government, policymakers, private NGOs who were representing their countries across the World.

Dr. Sourav Paul delivered an invited lecture at IO-CON ‘24 at INCOIS, Hyderabad. Read More »

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