
Dr. Danilo Calliari would visit the ECSF in February, 2024

Dr. Danilo Calliari (Ecologist and Associate Professor, Oceanography, University of the Republic, Uruguay) is scheduled to take up a Visiting Scientist role at ECSF between 3 Feb and 24 Feb, 2024. During his visit Dr. Calliari would engage in International Lectures and Field Workshops, hosted by the ECSF. Dr. Calliari would also conduct experiements on Plankton. ECSF members and students are most welcome to interact with him.

Dr. Danilo Calliari would visit the ECSF in February, 2024 Read More »

Workshop on ‘Biomagnification of heavy metals in Gangetic food web’

The foundation is conditions a workshop and field training on the Biomagnification of heavy metals in Gangetic food web. The workshop will be conducted at Sundarbans, India on 18 – 19 July 2023. It intends to impart hands-on training on environmental variability, heavy metals pollution and various components of food web along the tidal cycle of Ganges estuary. Coordinator is Dr. Bhaskar Deb Bhattacharya.

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